General thoughts after the game jam

Hello to anyone reading this,

I guess now that the game jam is over I want share a little bit about the development and experience of making this game.

It was quite a time crunch throught and thru. With most of the work being finished by the last  hours of the game jam I can't lie, it was stressful. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I didn't enjoy this time (as much as I may have said otherwise at the time) and it definitely helped me improve at Godot fast. The biggest issue was actually not the game making part but exporting all of it at the end, and it didn't help that I had never done it before and that only  half an hour was left because I thought that creating ONE level won't take that much time. For reference, when there were 4 hours left I still had to make:

  • Atleast one level
  • All of the sound effects
  • The itch io page for al of it
  • And finish it of with end screen (which kinda shows in the game itself)

And even with all of that I still had a problem because who could have known that uploading the game last minute would result in problems? Not me at that time, that's for sure (thanks again to Alex for helping me of all of it)



With all of that being said here are some ideas that I had when coming up with the game:

  • Just straight up make a Abandoned archive clone
  • Make the memories show some clips that happenend on Neuro's streams
  • Starting cutscene that would introduce you to the story
  • And the craziest idea of them all. . . have more than one level  T^T

Overall, those three days were very exciting and I'm glad to contribute to the community that has made me happy so much. Thanks to everyone who rated my game and gave it feedback, I don't think that I will be continuing this one but that doesn't mean that I won't still be working on something in the meantime.

Thanks to anyone reading this far and goodbye!

Files 77 MB
Jan 10, 2024
neuroMemoryHunt (game jam version).zip 303 MB
Dec 31, 2023

Get Neuro Memory hunt

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